Historical Nerdery Consultation Services
Our services are designed to assist clients with obtaining, interpreting, and effectively utilizing historical documents and information that are tailored to their interests.
Whether an attorney group seeking information regarding historic practices in support of litigation, an architect completing a Historical Resource Evaluation on an old building, or a business seeking lost or unknown historical documentation, we can assist you with finding answers.
The type of services that we routinely perform are:
Research and Interpretation
Essay and Historical Writing
Research Consulting
Basic Document Retrieval
Curriculum Design and Preparation
Upon request, time and cost assessments can be provided prior to pursuing your requested services in order to ensure that each project is conducted within the parameters of your budget and timeframe. Understanding your objectives for obtaining historical information and how it will be used will allow us to formulate a research plan most fitting to your needs. After a mutual agreement of a research plan, we will carry out the specified tasks within a timely manner and prepare “deliverables,” or records and information of interest, in the most appropriate format.
Historical Nerdery enjoys assisting clients from all around the United States in addition to pursuing historical research activities in the New England region. We remain highly involved in various internet-based research initiatives but are available for out-of-state travel to research sites upon request.